There is a detail in this movie that is not made correctly. She looked at herself carefully in the mirror. She cares so much about her appearance. How could she lift her skirt in front of him and wipe her body?
第一季让假性feminism玩梗玩嗨了why women killbecause men ask for it学长扒开学姐的腿这种半开玩笑半当真的梗把剧集推向性别对立的火堆里在那些假性患者心中应该是出了口恶气的 头一次感觉到一部剧拍摄第二季的必要性第二季的剧情就是要拨乱反正women 不仅仅会因为男性的背叛而杀人同样也会因为虚荣、金钱而杀人就像男人的毛病一样说第二季没有第一季好看的大概是因为第二季没能让那些假性feminist有“出口恶气”的感觉 作为不是以解放社会、引领历史车轮的那些仅仅就是过个日子的feminist应该明白男女都一样都有一身毛病female liberation不是因为女性比男性优秀多少而是因为同样作为人男女理应平等理应有同样的选择权