E16MacBook广告太好看了你知道编剧会这么写年轻的后妈还是差了一秒差点信了E19Jay to Alex. Family needs a leader, I can't do it forever. You can handle it. E23Ditch Day. 温情值得回味E24收尾情节太细碎了不过靠Phil robot来串联也还是很妙的Alex毕业了最美好的还是那些温情时刻“You are the last person who should give me anything. You got me here. You got me to graduation, to Caltech. You did it. And you're done.” 整一季都感觉缺少之前那种精巧的结构和舒服的节奏了少很多wow moment和自然的泪点走过六季开始稍显乏力了
回顾这7年回顾Glenn&Maggie的点点滴滴一个角色就这样没了一想到再也没有Glenn这个人了真的不能接受看到Maggie一次次的失去深爱的人太心疼了 E16最后Maggie说的那段话也是在缅怀Glenn到底要失去多少亲朋好友才够啊Glenn made the decision.I was just following his lead.其实我应该打一星的