The ghost of Assayas and Maggie. You can see how much he love her though every sence.
“What is the object of this circle of miseryand violenceand fearIt must have a purposeor our universe has no meaning and that is unthinkable . But what purposeThat is humanity’s great problem for which reasons so far there's no answer”这是整个剧集的最后一段话二刷完成了以前看福尔摩斯主要是着重缜密思维和神奇推理然而更是人性弱点和丑恶的镜鉴言言谎谎的视频ⅤK尤其是《JEALOUS》《最危险游戏》和这最后一集《女生说疼男生越来越往里怼》表现得尤其明显